Health and Productivity Management

Basic ideas

Tokai Carbon promotes various measures to actively support the maintenance and improvement of the health of our employees and their families under the “Tokai Carbon Declaration on Health and Productivity Management.”

July 25, 2022

Tokai Carbon Declaration on Health and Productivity Management

Human resources are the most important asset for supporting corporate activities. The health of Tokai Carbon’s employees and their families, both physically and mentally, is the foundation for their own happiness as well as for the enhancement of our corporate value. As a result, the promotion of health and productivity ultimately contributes directly to the realization of a sustainable society.
Tokai Carbon actively engages in health and productivity management and aims to be a company that can grow together with each and every one of our employees.

To these ends,

1.Tokai Carbon will strive to create a work environment where employees are healthy, both physically and mentally, and are able to maintain a sincere sense of job satisfaction as they take on new challenges and continue to learn and grow.

2.Tokai Carbon will support our employees in achieving an awareness of the importance of maintaining and improving the health of their own selves and their families.

President & CEO
Hajime Nagasaka


In promoting health and productivity management, we have established the “Health and Productivity Management Promotion Committee” chaired by the Executive Officer responsible for the Human Resources Department. The Committee reviews information on the issues faced at each plant and evaluates progress on their resolution while discussing the promotion of health and productivity management. In addition, the Committee also seeks to spread awareness and implement measures formulated through these discussions while ensuring their intentions permeate throughout the Company. The Committee furthermore aims to establish more effective measures for health and productivity maintenance and improvement by cooperating with the relevant health insurance associations, industrial physicians, and labor unions which participate as observers of the Committee. Once per year, the Committee reports on the status and results of these initiatives to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors while linking their efforts to activities that utilize the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.


Tokai Carbon has identified a prevalence of obesity and high smoking rates as the most serious health issues currently faced by the Company. As such, we have established the following specific goals focusing on these two issues in seeking to promote health and productivity management.

【Goals established in relation to health issues (1)】

Subjects Conditions Goals (by 2024) FY2020 Results
(Average according to National Federation of Health Insurance Societies shown in parenthesis)
BMI of 25 or higher 35% or lower 48.7%
Smoking rate 20% or lower 31.0%
checkup rate
Specific health
guidance rate
30% or more 27.5%

【Goals established in relation to health issues (2)】

Subject Activities toward achieving set goals
・Biannual walking events
・Provide education on obesity as part of biannual training
Smoking rate ・Create rules prohibiting smoking during working hours
・Conduct training and promote anti-smoking activities
Secondary medical checkup rate ・Actively encourage eligible persons at each plant to receive medical checkups
・Human Resources Department will confirm results for each plant and encourage/request medical checkups
Specific health
guidance rate