
Basic ideas

Basic Approach to corporate governance

The Company has outlined a Basic Philosophy, Guidelines, and a Global Code of Conduct. We conduct corporate activities in accordance with these policies and based on a strong ethical viewpoint while also complying with the relevant laws, rules, and regulations.


Management Structure

The Risk Management and Compliance Committee, which is an advisory body, discusses important matters concerning risk and compliance such as risk countermeasures of the entire company and, at the same time, gives its advice to relevant departments and sections based on the outcome of the discussion, and also reports the progress and proposes, for example, countermeasures to the Board of Directors.

Global Code of Conduct

We have established a "Global Code of Conduct" that serves as a standard for our judgment and activity for all executives and employees of Tokai Carbon Group in carrying out daily work. This "Global Code of Conduct" describes our Group's stance based on our basic philosophy "Ties of Reliability " and provides specific standards of conduct to realize our basic philosophy.
→Global Code of Conduct

Internal reporting system

We have introduced an internal reporting system for receiving reports from employees who have found out about legal violations or fraud (or signs thereof), including any acts linked to corruption such as bribery etc. by executive officers or employees. We have established in-house contact points (Legal Affairs Department, Audit & Supervisory Board Member) and external contact points (legal advisors) to receive reports or requests for advice by phone, fax, email, letter, etc. Reports can also be made anonymously.In addition, we also have a system allowing us to respond to reports from external third parties, reports received in a foreign language and reports received by persons other than the prescribed points of contact. The Company’s Guidelines on Handling Internal Reports clearly state that, apart from cases when the system is deliberately misused, informants will not be dismissed or subjected to unfair treatment under this system, thereby ensuring the appropriate implementation of the system. Specifically, our company’s Legal Affairs Department Manager is responsible for conducting an investigation into facts reported by an informant, while strictly maintaining the confidentiality of the informant. If it becomes clear after an investigation that an illegal act was committed, we will take corrective actions and recurrence-prevention actions, and impose a punishment under the employment regulations. At the same time, we have a system whereby all our employees and stakeholders can report to an external point of contact without worries. We are making efforts to increase everyone’s awareness of this system, including the external points of contact, by including it in the Compliance Manual and internal rules, and announcing it using various tools, including in-house seminars, an in-house message board and in-house newsletters.


Prevention of corruption

Cases of corruption

In the FY2023, there was no exposure of corruption and no fines or surcharges paid. There was no disciplinary action made to employee due to the corruption.

Prevention of bribery and other corrupt behavior

Our Global Code of Conduct states that we will thoroughly comply with domestic and international competition and antitrust laws, maintain a fair competitive relationship with our competitors, and carry out our corporate activities in a fair manner. It also states that we will comply with international norms as well as relevant laws and regulations of each country regarding the prevention of corruption and will not take part in any corruption with others, including each country’s civil servants and government officials. Because of this, we prohibit and strive to prevent acts of bribery or acts that could arouse suspicion of bribery, such as proposing or delivering benefits as compensation for others, and demanding or receiving benefits such as cash, excessive business entertainment, amusement or other services. We also prohibit corruption in the form of conspiracy to embezzle company funds or commit money laundering.
The prohibition of this kind of corruption and bribery is also specified in our procurement policy.
The Board of Directors oversees initiatives on compliance including the prevention of bribery and other corruption and receives reports from the Risk Management & Compliance Committee.
Tokai Carbon is raising awareness of the prevention of comprehensive corrupt behavior including this kind of bribery. We familiarize employees with our anti-corruption policy through training courses and in our newsletter so that all employees are able to avoid actions that could lead to corrupt behavior. Moreover, we have made no political contributions in fiscal 2022.

Education and Enlightenment

We have continuously provided compliance training to each and every employee to raise their compliance awareness.
In FY2023, we chose fraud, acts against delay in payment, etc., to subcontractors, and others as themes for the e-learning training targeted for all Tokai Carbon executives and employees, and recorded an attendance rate of 89%.
In addition, compliance education was conducted in the stratified training course for newly hired and managerial-level employees. Raising compliance awareness is being done through compliance message video distribution and by carrying related articles in our in-house magazine.


Number of violations of laws

*Number of cases of administrative disposition and administrative guidance

  2022 2023
Bribery 0 0
Personal information 0 0
Conflict of interest 0 0
Money laundering, insider trading 0 0
Human rights (forced labor, child labor) 0 0

Expenditures for political contributions, etc

  Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Political Contributions cases 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0
Lobbyists or Lobbying Organizations cases 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0
Trade Associations cases 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0
  • * The scope of reporting:Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.