Multi-Stakeholder Policy

The corporate philosophy of Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd. is “Ties of Reliability.”
Our stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, society, and shareholders, are indispensable partners for the Company to contribute to a sustainable society and the growth of the company itself. Our collaboration with these multi-stakeholders under mutual trusting relationships would be the platform to generate new values.

As a materials manufacturer, we leverage our technological know-how we have cultivated over many years, to provide innovative “materials and solutions” and to improve productivity. The profits and results generated by maximizing added value, should be distributed to employees from the perspective that appropriate distribution to multiple stakeholders, will lead to maintaining the momentum of wage increases and sustainable economic development. Based on the importance of giving back and being considerate to our business partners, we will proceed with the following initiatives.

1.Providing Returns to Employees

The Company is working to sustainably improve corporate value through the basic policies of the mid-term management plan T-2025, “Returning core businesses to a path of growth,” “Optimizing the business portfolio (selection and concentration),” and “Establishing a sustainable management base,” toward the realization of the long-term vision, “Contribute to a sustainable society through advanced materials and solutions.”
Based on the earnings and outcomes generated as a result of these corporate activities, we aim to provide sustainable returns to employees through initiatives focused on actively investing in human resources to enhance employee engagement and contribute to the further improvement of productivity to improve our overall treatment of employees in addition to raising wages in a manner appropriate to the Company’s business condition in accordance with “the main principles of determining wages.”

(Specific measures)

Specifically, in addition to raising wages to appropriate levels taking into consideration compensation levels in the market and the Company’s management condition, etc., and through wage talks with the union, for investing in human resources, we are working to promote health and productivity management, OJT, expand training programs, support career development, etc., to enhance employee engagement.

2.Consideration for Business Partners

The Company will continue to observe the Declaration of Partnership Building
•Registration date of the Declaration of Partnership Building
[March 30, 2022(Updated April 25, 2024)]
•URL for the Declaration of Partnership Building
[](Japanese only)

We will steadily proceed with these initiatives while conducting periodic assessments of our progress.

November 20, 2023
Hajime Nagasaka
President & CEO
Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.