Water resource

Basic ideas

Basic ideas for water resource

Water is essential for Tokai Carbon’s business activities, and we are also aware that it is a vital resource in the local communities where our manufacturing plants are located. We are promoting efficient use of water companywide as water recycling and manufacturing process improvements.


We are working to reduce water consumption by clearly grasping the amount of water required for production and limiting excess water usage. In 2023, we have expanded the scope to include our consolidated companies (Tokai Carbon and major domestic and overseas group companies) and have set the target to be lower than the water consumption of 2021 (9 million m3/year), and have made efforts to reduce our water consumption. As a result, the consumption for 2023 was 8.45 million m3, achieving our target. We will continue to target “lower than the water consumption of 2021 (9 million m3/year)” in our approach to reduce water consumption.

Targets and progress are discussed in the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the president, and reported to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.


Water risk assessment

We identify areas of water stress by referring to the WRI Aqueduct. In 2024, we conducted a survey of 35 production sites(*1) in Japan and overseas of the Tokai Carbon group.
Of these, five sites were identified as having high water stress (*2). Apart from one sales site, we conducted a detailed survey of past floods, droughts and water consumption for each site to confirm that they are at low risk.

  • *1 As of March 2024
  • *2 Sites that were classified as "High" or “Extremely High” for overall water risk among the risk items in the chemical industry of WRI Aqueduct.

Initiatives to reduce water consumption

Tokai Carbon’s operation sites take various measures to achieve the goal of reducing water consumption.

Business Site Initiative
Graphite electrodes Domestic productions sites Adjustment of industrial water intake
Overseas production sites Recycle and reuse of cooling water in the graphitization process
Carbon black Overseas production sites Capital investment for leakage control


Environmental data

In calculating performance, water consumption is computed as the amount taken in.

Amount of water intake (1,000 m3)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Amount of water intake Tokai Carbon 2,880 2,846 2,637 2,880 2,760 2,857
Tokai Carbon Group - 8,937 7,836 9,006 8,726 8,402
(Breakdown)Tap water Tokai Carbon 277 326 290 292 366 417
Tokai Carbon Group - 2,893 2,448 2,818 2,743 2,500
River(industrial water) Tokai Carbon 1,858 1,801 1,697 1,908 1,727 1,795
Tokai Carbon Group - 3,009 2,770 3,073 2,771 2,939
Ground water Tokai Carbon 745 719 649 680 668 645
Tokai Carbon Group - 2,983 2,597 3,062 3,048 2,897
Others Tokai Carbon Group - 52 21 54 164 66
  • *Period of calculation: January to December each year
  • *The scope of reporting:
    Tokai Carbon : Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.
    Tokai Carbon Group: Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd., Tokai ErftCarbon GmbH, Tokai Carbon GE LLC, Tokai Carbon CB Ltd., Cancarb Limited, Thai Tokai Carbon Product Co.,Ltd., Tokai Fine Carbon Co., Ltd. , Tokai Carbon Korea Co., Ltd., Tokai COBEX Polska sp. z o.o., Tokai COBEX Savoie SAS

Water intake per unit of sales

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
34.1 38.9 34.8 25.6 23.1
  • Scope of reporting: Consolidated
  • *Water consumption is computed as the amount taken in. The amount of water intake includes tap water, industrial water, ground water and others.

Amount of water drainage (1,000 m3)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Amount of water output Tokai Carbon 1,994 2,068 2,010 2,115 2,018 2,080
Tokai Carbon Group - 2,742 2,609 2,717 2,548 2,637
(Breakdown)Sewer Tokai Carbon 100 108 95 108 142 183
Tokai Carbon Group - 581 473 470 476 506
River Tokai Carbon 573 578 546 553 564 603
Tokai Carbon Group - 779 768 793 760 838
Sea Tokai Carbon 1,321 1,382 1,369 1,453 1,312 1,293
Tokai Carbon Group - 1,382 1,369 1,453 1,312 1,293
  • *Period of calculation: January to December each year
  • *The scope of reporting: Tokai Carbon : Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd. Tokai Carbon Group: Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd., Tokai ErftCarbon GmbH, Tokai Carbon GE LLC, Tokai Carbon CB Ltd., Cancarb Limited, Thai Tokai Carbon Product Co.,Ltd., Tokai Fine Carbon Co., Ltd. , Tokai Carbon Korea Co., Ltd., Tokai COBEX Polska sp. z o.o., Tokai COBEX Savoie SAS

Discharges of Environmentally Hazardous Substances into Water

Scroll horizontally to view the whole table

Units 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
BOD emissions kg 1,372 1,787 1,430 1,211 1,165 1,069
COD emissions kg 6,855 9,369 9,233 9,687 5,950 5,777
Total nitrogen t 5.4 6.0 5.2 8.2 8.7 7.3
Total phosphorus t 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
  • Data-gathering period: April to March of the following year.
  • Reporting scope: Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.
  • * Total nitrogen and Total phosphorus : Business locations that could impact the bodies of water specified in the Ministry of the Environment’s “Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution”attached table titled, “Environmental Quality Standards for Conservation of the Living Environment (Coastal waters, lakes)."

Number of violations of water related laws, regulations, etc.

2020 2021 2022 2023
0 0 0 0
  • Reporting scope: Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.