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  • Stock Information

Stock Information

Here you will find general information on shares issued by Tokai Carbon, up-to-date stock figures, and information about major shareholders and share owners.

Stock Summary

Securities code 5301
Stock Exchange Listing Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
Fiscal Year from January 1 to December 31
General Meeting of Shareholders March
Shareholder Record Date General Meeting of Shareholders: December 31
Year-End Dividend of Surplus: December 31
Interim Dividend: June 30 (when applicable)
Share Unit 100 shares
Shareholder Registry Administrator 4-5, Marunouchi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Method of Public Notice Electronic notice
(If unavoidable circumstances prevent notice from being given electronically, notice shall be posted in the Nikkei.)

Stock Figures

Total number of shares issued by the company 598,764,000
Total number of outstanding shares 224,943,104
Total number of shareholders 109,024

Figures as of December 31, 2023

Major Shareholders

Name Number of shares held (in thousand shares) Shareholding ratio (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 43,444 20.38
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 18,005 8.44
MUFG Bank, Ltd. 5,827 2.73
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation 4,609 2.16
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley 2,744 1.29
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. 2,566 1.2
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. 2,426 1.14
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 2,032 0.95

Figures as of December 31, 2023

Tokai Carbon holds 11,747,000 shares of treasury stock but has not been listed among the major shareholders above.

Share Owner Information

Scroll horizontally to view the whole table

Shareholder Number of shares held (in thousand shares) Shareholding ratio
Financial Institutions 87,132(41%)
Individuals/Others 67,993(32%)
Foreign Corporations, etc. 34,570(16%)
Japanese Corporations 12,658(6%)
Financial Instruments Business Operators 10,860(5%)
Total 213,215(100%)

Figures as of December 31, 2023

The shareholding ratio was calculated excluding treasury stock.

Inquiries About Stock Administration

Postal Address/Phone Number Stock Transfer Agent Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Telephone: 0120-232-711 (free dial inside Japan)
Postal address: Stock Transfer Agent Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, PO Box 29, Shin-Tokyo Post Office 137-8081
Our shareholder registry administrators can be contacted free-dial 24 hours a day to change an address, register or change an account for dividend transfer, request forms needed for purchasing shares constituting less than one unit, or request application forms for share inheritance procedures.
Telephone: 0120-232-711 (free dial inside Japan)
Agency All branches of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation nationwide.
For trading inquiries

Rights of Investors

1.Exercising Voting Rights

Shareholders who own at least one hundred Tokai Carbon shares can participate in the management of the company by exercising their voting rights, either in person at the General Meeting of Shareholders, in writing or online.


Shareholders receive dividends corresponding to the number of shares they hold. We consider the passing on of profits to our shareholders to be an important management task in raising our mid-to-long term corporate value. We strive to deliver a stable and sustainable dividend that reflects factors such as results and forecasts for each period, investment plans, and cash flow. Our benchmark for consolidated dividend payout ratio is about 30%.

3.Shareholder Benefits

Depending on the number of shares held and how long they have been held for, shareholders can choose from the selection of products in Tokai Carbon's official catalogue. The giveaway is available to all shareholders who had at least one unit of Tokai Carbon shares (= 100 shares) as of December 31 the previous year.

Stock Holdings Continuous holding period
Less than a year 1~3years 3years or more
100~499 shares -- ¥2,000 level ¥3,000 level
500〜999 shares -- ¥3,000 level ¥5,000 level
1,000 shares or more ¥3,000 level ¥5,000 level ¥8,000 level


All shareholders receive reports twice a year. These reports including information on interim and full year performance and profiles of some of our business activities.

5.To Become a Shareholder

Tokai Carbon shares are traded on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Securities code: 5301). You are welcome to purchase shares through a broker. One unit is made up of 100 shares, so the minimum purchase price is the current share price multiplied by 100. *An additional brokerage fee will apply.